Saturday 18 February 2012

Winding back the clock for womankind

There's this girl in the office and a while back she got married, you must have heard she told EVERYONE who would listen, even people who wouldn't or didn't want to listen, in fact I'm pretty sure there was some sort of global broadcast, I'm surprised you hadn't heard...
Anyhoo, she fell pregnant inevitably, I don't think the fella had much choice in the matter but I'm sure he's happy - for now. She also had a global news bulletin for this event working the the fact into every conversation she had, even conversations other people were having. Pick a topic, talk about it within earshot and she would work in some pregnancy related interjection, that in itself isn't so bad of course, I know that, I am a father myself and when my son was still baking I wanted to tell everybody, but I knew if I spoke about it to the same people over and over AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN! it would become very boring and incredibly irritating for them, besides I had work to do, and the people I would be boring with baby facts ALSO HAVE WORK TO DO!
I suppose you cant blame her in some ways though  I mean even at 7 or 8 months now its hard to tell, what with all the pie eating an that if she is pregnant at all so maybe she has to keep reminding people its a baby she's carrying and not a belly full of steak and kidney.
I digress.
Recently an announcement was made at work that the disabled spots in the car park were now also 'pregnant women' parking spots. obviously there are a number of issues with this, some legal and some personal, let me touch on a couple of those issues. This came about because someone - I dunno who - is pregnant and apparently finds it hard to walk much further than across the road from the car to the door and due to her timekeeping - or perhaps flexible hours - arrives later than most and has nowhere (close) to park cos all the spots are full with cars who arrive on or before time.
Solution: arrive on time.
Strangely though her job requires her to walk 5 or six times that distance 3 or 4 times a day to which she doesn't complain, or maybe she has one of the postroom wheel her about on a trolley.
Also what happens if a person with an actual disability needs the space, would the pregnant person have to move their car thus making the whole arrangement pointless?

The biggest problem I have with this though and I'm amazed more women haven't spoken up about this is when did pregnancy become a disability? I totally understand the need for certain allowances when pregnant, its often a tiring uncomfortable time but most women are proud to be able to cope with the discomfort and tiredness, insisting it should make no difference to their working day, but suggesting women need a 'disabled' rating because they are carrying a child seems to me like a backward step for womankind.

I have already been to the doc's, I told him about my crushed vertebrae and how painful it is to walk for long periods, he's writing a note so I can get a disabled badge for my car, I arrive early everyday, I'm gonna proudly wear that badge and park in that spot before anyone else.

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