Sunday 15 January 2012

Blog mobile

Yesterday I signed over my soul to apple once again, well apple and O2. After a few moments in the O2 shop with a keen but genuine salesperson I strolled out with a shiny new iPhone 4s. Sa-weeeeet!
It's nice of course, does the usual shiz it's supposed to, really fast, wicked download speeds and the camera is really good, like REALLY good but the USP of this one is Siri, right?
Thing is he's a bit of a dick. Don't get me wrong, it's is an incredible app/feature to have on a phone, and he's very good at doing the 'set an alarm/make a note' type stuff, in fact I'd go as far as saying its the beginning of true voice recognition, but he is a bit of a dick when it come to the more casual queries. Turns out he is unable to make business searches for you in the uk! So you can't actually ask where the nearest KFC is for instance. personally I was gutted, lucky I knew where it was.
When you get to more personal questions like 'where are you from, how old are you etc. he's deliberately vague or obtuse and sometimes condescending making you feel like you are somehow wasting his time. Dick.
I tried switching the voice to US English but she would only do stuff accurately if I spoke with an American accent, an' thats just retarded, while the Australian one would only respond if I said 'cobber' at the end of each sentence.
With my new blogger app on my new phone I am writing this from the comfort of the sofa with one eye on the TV, - Hellboy is on. See, truly mobile blogging, the studio where I normally write is miles away, I'd have to leave this room, and go all the way through the next to get there.
Behold the future!

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